Wagner Industries, Inc. will be implementing a 3% card processing fee on all card transactions and will have a 5% price increase on all parts & services, effective January 1, 2025.

Results For: SERENCO Scores and Crushers


Product Part # OEM # O.D. Description
3339-M 9.188" WI-3339 66" SERENCO SCORE RING 9.188" OD
3113-M SE04144 18.687" WI-3113 SERENCE SCORE RING18.687" OD
2242-M 8.0" WI-2242 SERENCO CRUSH HEAD 8.0" OD
2145-M 10656 8.0" WI-2145 SERENCO SECONDARY SCORE RING 8.0" OD
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