Page 5 - Wagner Parts Catalog 2024
P. 5
Wagner Innovation
1990s 2000s
Sun Feeders became the “must have” feed system Corrugator brushes made of carbon fiber fingers
for Flexo folder gluers and the like. Unfortunately, were a frequently replaced item. Jam-ups on the
changing the treads was a time-consuming job. stacker would result in bent and broken fingers.
In the ʼ90s, Wagner pioneered a split design, that Wagner saw the need for a more durable prod-
allowed for the replacement of wheels without re- uct, and set out to make brushes with a flexible
moving the grating and shafts. Now treads can be urethane spine and spring steel fingers. With this
changed one or two as needed. This also allowed design, the flex caused by jam-ups is transferred
the feeder to run at higher speeds, enabling op- to the urethane spine. The spine has the ability
erators to change treads in minutes. Today, folks to flex and return to its original position millions
can change the feed wheels during job set ups of times without damage. Cost-effective and lon-
thanks to the innovators at Wagner Industries. ger lasting, this product is Wagner’s innovation
of the new millennium. • 6 Starter Drive • Frackville, PA 17931 • 1-800-874-1998 3
— P ric es sub jec t t o change without notic e —